Know Your Limits – Dr Tim Bradstock-Smith


  Posted by:      2nd October 2017

The ultimate aim of dentistry is to repair and maintain natural teeth, wherever possible. However, factors such as human nature (neglect when it comes to oral hygiene), unforeseen accidents and injuries, poor diets and habits such as smoking work against this goal.

With tooth survival rates after root canal treatment exceeding 95%[i], endodontic treatments can be invaluable in aiding the nation’s oral health. Damage to the protective layers of the tooth by injury, tooth decay or problematic fillings can all cause infections in the periradicular region; 84% of the adult population have fillings and 31% have tooth decay[ii].

Research by the British Endodontic Society noted that NHS dentists identified a lack of availability for such treatments. A survey across two months in 2014 with 436 responses from dentists nationwide revealed that 85% of dentists cited problems with access to specialist NHS endodontic treatment and 98% reported patients turned down endodontic treatment – 42% because of cost and 24% were afraid it would be too painful.

However, when extraction is chosen over endodontics, research into implants often follows. Consequently, the fees involved in root canal therapy as a first-line intervention remain cost-effective – supported by a National Institute for Health Research paper from the University of York in 2010[iii].

The time constraints placed upon NHS practices to meet UDA targets often rules out endodontics for a general practitioner. Moreover, specialist endodontists are generally able to relieve pain more swiftly and specialist training to acquire the necessary skills entails up to three years vocational training, beyond a dental degree. As this is completely unfunded within NHS dentistry, principals can’t usually justify this financial strain. Additionally, many surgeries simply do not have the expensive microscopic equipment needed to view root canals routinely.

The world-class team of specialists at the London Smile Clinic includes specialist endodontist, Dr Daniel Flynn. Offering an exemplary service to any patient requiring advanced endodontic care Dr Flynn is able to provide the gentlest possible, pain-free dental treatment using the very latest technology in this field. Afterwards, patients are returned to their dentists, for on-going oral health care.

A five-star service is available to your patients however complex their needs. Be sure to provide a full breadth of treatments by connecting with gold-star experts.


For more information, please contact the London Smile Clinic on 020 7255 2559 or visit




[i] Chris H. Fleming, DMD, Mark S. Litaker, PhD, Larry W. Alley, DMD, Paul D. Eleazer, DDS, MS, Comparison of Classic Endodontic Techniques versusContemporary Techniques on Endodontic Treatment Success Published Online: January 25, 2010 (Accessed 24/9/2015)

[ii] National Smile Month: Facts and Figures. (Accessed 23/9/2015)

[iii] University of York Centre For Reviews and Dissemination – Evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of root canal treatment using conventional approaches versus replacement with an implant, Pennington MW, Vernazza CR, Shackley P, Armstrong NT, Whitworth JM, Steele JG, August 2010. (Accessed 24/9/2015)

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