Alpha Omega London Charitable Trust


  Posted by:      23rd October 2017

Children living in the slums of Buenos Aires were very excited to see a brand new dental chair roll into their clinic recently when the Alpha Omega London Charitable Trust donated a new dental unit to the Todos Juntos Children’s Trust, a dental charity dedicated to providing oral hygiene and dental restoration to the most vulnerable of children in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  

Last year Todos Juntos provided more than 35,000 free dental treatments to children living in extremely poor communities in Buenos Aires. 

The charity was established in 2005 after its founder, Fiona Watson, realised the extent of tooth decay among Argentine children and the effect this was having on their lives. Many were suffering severe dental decay seriously affecting their ability to eat, talk and smile. 

Todos Juntos now operates three Sonrisa (meaning smile) clinics providing free dental restoration to underprivileged children.  The charity also runs oral health education sessions in surrounding schools, distributes toothbrushes and toothpaste and gives one-to-one hygiene sessions to all its young patients. 

About 90 per cent of children living in slum areas suffer from debilitating tooth decay and most children don’t even own a toothbrush or toothpaste. Lack of oral education and lack of access to restorative dental care have left hundreds of children queuing to get into the Todos Juntos Sonrisa Project.

Fiona Watson, founder of Todos Juntos Children’s Trust, added: 

“Tooth decay is the number one chronic childhood disease worldwide and yet it is probably the most forgotten of all diseases when it comes to grants so we are extremely grateful to Alpha Omega London Charitable Trust for this wonderful gift. Unfortunately our previous chair broke over a year ago and because we were unable to fix it we had no choice but to keep on using it as best we could. We simply did not have the funds to replace it. Now with this amazing gift, a beautiful fully functional new chair we are in “dental” heaven and look forward to sharing it with the hundreds of children who come through our doors each year.”

Professor Andrew Eder, Chairman of the Alpha Omega London Charitable Trust, commented:

“Alpha Omega is delighted to have the opportunity to support the Todos Juntos Children’s Trust. As the oldest international dental organisation established in 1907, Alpha Omega’s commitment to improving global oral health is greater than ever. We were introduced to Fiona Watson a little over a year ago, she is a truly inspirational colleague supported by a wonderful team and we sincerely hope that this new dental chair will help to support the local needs as best possible.”


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