BACD – Furthering and encouraging career aspirations
Featured Products Promotional FeaturesPosted by: Dental Design 29th December 2017

Anisha Gupta was recently awarded second place in the BACD Rising Star Scholarship 2017. About her achievement, she comments:
“I had previously worked on a project that looked at the cultural and social implications around cosmetic dentistry and surgical interventions in the pursuit for perfection. By entering the BACD competition, I hoped to further my research into this topic.
“I chose to discuss ‘What makes the perfect smile around the world?’ in my essay, as it provided the opportunity to explore facial and oral aesthetics from a clinical, technical, cultural and humanities perspective. The main points I highlighted were the subjective and personal nature of ‘perfection’, and the influence of ever-changing racial and cultural beauty standards.
“I was very pleased to come second in this competition, as it encourages me to further pursue interdisciplinary research projects in this field, alongside developing as a cosmetic dental clinician. Through affiliation with the BACD, I hope to benefit further from educational and career opportunities within the field of cosmetic and aesthetic dentistry.
“The BACD is clearly a prestigious organisation, whose members have a vast wealth of knowledge and experience, and by becoming a member I look forward to benefiting from this expertise to set the foundations of my own clinical and research career.”
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