Compliance, simplified

Featured Products Promotional Features

  Posted by: Dental Design      7th February 2018

Segregate and dispose of your waste correctly and you will comply with the ‘Safe Management of Healthcare Waste’ issued by the Department of Health.

To simplify the process, ‘Follow the Colour Code’ by adopting the colour coded best practice waste segregation and management protocols – with the help of Initial Medical!

We offer a range of free-to-download posters that will help you and your whole team better understand and implement correct procedures for each waste stream. These visual guides show the correct colour for each waste type, whether it is hazardous or non-hazardous and what type of container it should be placed in to be disposed of.

Ensuring all members of your team know the system will ensure the safety of staff and patients is maintained and the wider environment is protected.

This is just one example of the tools Initial Medical offers to help you manage waste correctly within your practice. Visit the website today to download your free posters!

For further information please visit or Tel: 0870 850 4045

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