Teamwork: Together is better

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  Posted by: Dental Design      2nd June 2018

Teamwork is an important factor in nearly every professional environment. It offers numerous benefits to both the business and the individuals within it, and when properly developed can form a long-lasting foundation for a happier, more efficient workplace.


Why is teamwork important?


Three aspects that often define teamwork are professionalism, attitude and leadership (PAL).[i]By encouraging PAL you’re more likely to have a team who avoids the negative work politics, supports each other emotionally and professionally and who act together to create a productive and satisfying work environment.


One paper found that there is a direct link between good teamwork and high job satisfaction, which in turn resulted in a number of benefits for the business and professionals alike.[ii]For the organization it meant higher workforce retention and cost savings as work was more efficient and staff turnover was low. For individuals, it meant a feeling of greater wellbeing, improved mental health and a better team bond.


Achieving these good team practices is especially important within a dental laboratory. A lack of professionalism or a bad attitude could cause negative relationships with collaborating dentists. A lack of pride or poor leadership could affect the productivity or lead to a detrimental effect on the quality of the restorations provided – which isn’t good news for anyone.


But what steps should you take to achieve high quality teamwork within your workplace?


Build a good work environment


There are plenty of ways to create a good working environment, and studies have shown that where environments are perceived to be well designed and supportive by workers, job satisfaction is increased.[iii]


One of the first things to consider is the physical environment itself. Ergonomics show that by tailoring the workspace to the desires and comforts of the individuals within it, you can increase their productivity and happiness as they feel like they are valued.[iv]This can mean anything from supplying comfy chairs that help support their posture to investing in new technology that allows them to explore new areas of interest and hone their skills.


For example, say someone in your laboratory is interested in advancing their knowledge of digital design. To help them you could integrate an innovative system like the DTX Studio software from Nobel Biocare so that they can benefit from the advanced design features and learn new skills. This benefits the laboratory, as the individual will not only feel valued and therefore be likely to contribute more, but the business may also be able to offer a better, more varied service.


Another part of building a good professional environment is making sure it’s an open and honest place to work. Communication between professionals is a key part of ensuring that attitudes remain positive, and by holding regular staff meetings you can give staff a forum to discuss their ideas and problems.


We all know those negative people who can bring down a workplace with their bad attitude. To prevent these negative feelings from spreading it’s important to identify these individuals and address their concerns. After all, a study has shown that a bad attitude can be contagious amongst professionals,[v]and this can have a disastrous effect on a team as a whole. 


Fortunately, the same study found that positive attitudes are just as contagious. By speaking through the individual’s worries, helping them re-evaluate their role or even by giving them some role flexibility, you should be able to encourage a shift in their mind-set, allowing for a happier atmosphere for all and ensuring a better team dynamic within the laboratory.



People, not just professionals


Every person will have his or her own goals, skills and characteristics that affect their role within a team. Getting to know your colleagues may sound like a simple and cliché solution, but it is a significant step towards understanding what their motivations are and how well you interact on a personal level, both of which can impact how a team works together.


Many dedicated centres offer tailored teambuilding activities such as escape rooms or even (for braver professionals) survival trips in the wilderness, but it’s important to adjust these experiences to your team size. For smaller teams, options such as group dinners or drinks outside of work times can be more effective, as these social scenarios give people the chance to bond on a more personal level.


If you want to keep the focus more professional, sending the whole team together to exhibitions so that everyone can benefit from the potential networking and knowledge that these events provide is another good option, and these events can also lead to further chances for team bonding via after event drinks and other similar scenarios.


A happy team is a better team


Every workplace will have its own areas of improvement to address when it comes to building an effective and happy team, however, that doesn’t mean that achieving it is impossible. By identifying the needs of individuals, promoting PAL in the workplace and providing the equipment, training and support your staff need, your team will become a stronger, happier unit.



For more information, contact Nobel Biocare on 0208 756 3300, or visit



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