Association of Dental Implantology (ADI) – Keeping up-to-date to keep ahead
Featured Products Promotional FeaturesPosted by: Dental Design 7th February 2019

The field of dental implantology is experiencing rapid growth, with the latest estimates stating that the restorative dentistry market as a whole will be worth as much as £19 billion by 2025.[i]Data collected by Grand View Research revealed that dental implants are a key factor behind this growth, boosting the market considerably due to increased patient demand.[ii]
Whilst this is undoubtedly welcome news for dentists looking to start providing dental implantology, it offers an even bigger opportunity for those already in the field as it is likely that more and more patients with complex demands will be looking towards dental implants as a solution.
As such, it’s important for professionals to stay up-to-date and learn new skills in all ways possible. After all, you’ve already mastered the basic principles of dental implantology, so why not extend your expertise? Doing so can open numerous opportunities for both yourself and your practice.
A world on the move
Perhaps the most beneficial reason to continue learning within the field of dental implantology is that the area itself is constantly changing. New research is published on a regular basis, and multiple aspects are under constant scrutiny, such as dental implant surface materials and surgical positioning. The result of this is that information can quickly become out-dated, meaning that if you fail to keep abreast of the latest developments your services could be suffering.
The best for your patients
Of course, the primary benefit of staying well acquainted with all of the latest updates in dental implantology is that you are likely to provide patients the best level of care. Not only does keeping up with research ensure you will be well versed in the most effective dental implant products and techniques, but it also enables you to delve further into the field and learn the skills you need to perform more complex surgeries, broadening your scope and expanding the options available to patients.
Personal satisfaction
One of the reasons behind job dissatisfaction is that people feel limited in their job and trapped in a routine that doesn’t challenge them. By branching out within dental implantology you can prevent yourself from feeling stuck in a mundane schedule, as there is constantly new challenges to face.
Furthermore, by exploring and mastering new elements within the field, you can diversify your patient list, and this too can help to overcome any feelings of dissatisfaction that you may be experiencing. Complex cases will likely require more involved planning and research. In addition, patients will bring their personalities, demands and other unique characteristics that will help to defeat any humdrum blues.
Business benefits
Of course, every practice must consider the business side of things. With more research and knowledge comes the opportunity to widen your resources and understanding, and by learning new techniques or becoming better acquainted with a greater range of implant systems you can start to treat more advanced cases.
This can be highly lucrative, as patients wanting special attention are likely to invest more. If patients receive the expected results, your reputation can also grow, especially if they suggest you to friends and family. This can attract further patients seeking advanced expertise or who have complicated needs, further increasing your practice profitability.
Educational options
There is a world of educational resources available for dental implantologists looking to refine their skills. From online webinars and journals to courses, conventions and focus meetings across the country, the industry is bursting with accessible knowledge that can help professionals gain CPD and fine tune their dental implantology skills.
Small group sessions are especially beneficial, as not only do these events give professionals the chance to learn face to face in an intimate setting from people with the relevant industry experience, but they also double up as an effective way to network with colleagues.
Understanding the need for professionals to consistently discover and keep up-to-date, the Association of Dental Implantology (ADI) runs a number of informative ADI Study Clubs to help professionals delve deeper into current research surrounding dental implantology. Free for ADI members and presented by some of the leading lights of the field, past ADI Study Clubs have covered a diverse array of topics such as soft tissue management, prosthetically designed implant placement and clinical photography, along with many others. This allows professionals to experience a versatile approach to dental implantology that will help even highly experienced individuals learn something new.
Explore every opportunity
One of the most exciting parts of working in dentistry is that it is always going to offer new challenges. By keeping well informed of the latest research and taking every opportunity to master your skills, you can do the very best for your patients while gaining satisfaction and possibly even giving your practice a boost at the same time.
For information on the ADI and upcoming events, please visit
For the ADI patient website, please visit
[i] Restorative Dentistry Market Worth More Than £19 Billion by 2025. Link: [Last accessed September 18].
[ii]Grand View Research. Restorative Dentistry Market Analysis By Product (Restorative Materials, Implants, Prosthetics, Restorative Equipment), By End Use, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2018 – 2025. Link:[Last accessed September 18].
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