Real patients confirm improved patient satisfaction with Colgate® SENSITIVE PRO-Relief ™

Featured Products

  Posted by: Dental Design      10th July 2019

A UK experience programme with real patients confirmed instant and long-lasting pain relief with Colgate® SENSITIVE PRO-Relief ™, with 80% of participants reporting long-lasting relief from the first use.1 56% of participants also spontaneously commented about the taste and texture.1 “Taste is fresh, teeth feel clean and it’s a long-lasting feeling” is just one of the comments received. 

Colgate® SENSITIVE PRO-Relief ™ also significantly improves quality of life. Patients reported a significant quality of life improvement after tracking a pain score for 24 weeks vs a negative control, using the validated Oral Health Impact Profile –49 questionnaire.2

Recommend Colgate® SENSITIVE PRO-ReliefTM toothpaste to your patients to provide superior dentine tubule occlusion3,4,#,* an acid resistant layer5, Instant** sensitivity pain relief6, long lasting sensitivity pain relief6 and improved patient satisfaction.1,

Visit for further information and to watch the superior technology in action. 

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