Strength, predictability and longevity – Niels Van de Shee
Featured Products Promotional FeaturesPosted by: Dental Design 10th October 2019
The organic evolution of composite materials has brought with it various advantages for the dental profession and its patients. Composites offer a more aesthetic and safer alternative to amalgam, which had previously been the restorative material of choice for several decades.
However, there was a broad disconnect for dentists that transitioned from using amalgam to using composites. Many professionals received no specific training on the new materials and therefore continued employing the same techniques they had previously used with amalgam. Unfortunately, composites need to be handled slightly differently in order for all their benefits to be fully utilised. This is something that many professionals identified and so clinical techniques have been adapted over time. The sectional matrix was introduced and quickly grew in popularity as it improved the restorative process and delivered enhanced outcomes.
At this point, the key challenges when it came to composite materials were in achieving strength and longevity that would rival their amalgam predecessors. While some dentists can achieve lifespans for composite of around 15-20 years, most do not get these results. When problems occur sooner than this, some clinicians switch products or matrices in the search for better results. While these are important for the success of restorations, there are other factors that can have just as much of an impact, if not more.
This is the foundation on which the Bioclear approach was based. We didn’t want to be just another matrix provider – instead, we offer dentists an all-encompassing learning experience to help them to create long lasting composite restorations. In fact, there are several steps involved in the treatment process that require attention, as if any one step is missed, treatment can fail.
Key to the Bioclear approach is the strict clinical sequence of which every step is critical to making composite restorations more predictable and longer lasting. As such, we offer comprehensive training for dentists to help them improve their understanding and skills, ensuring complete confidence and consistent success with composite restorations.
Instead of layering the materials – which produces a weaker restoration – we teach injection moulding of paste and flowable composite to significantly improve both outcomes and patient satisfaction. The system produces restorations that afford strength comparable to porcelain. We teach a different cavity preparation technique and effective biofilm removal, offering a more minimally invasive approach to restorative dentistry than traditional crowns, for example.
Training also covers the advantages available in cases where black triangles need to be closed. Attempting this without the proper tools can make treatment difficult and patients’ increased awareness about the aesthetic impact of black triangles means that finding a reliable solution is important for dentists. The Bioclear method makes closing black triangles a breeze. This is one of the main benefits of the system liked by dentists in the USA, as it enables them to deliver the treatment their patients seek in a safe and predictable manner. It’s already emerging as an important area in the UK and we hope to communicate the advantages that Bioclear provides in this field.
We combine the training on our unique approach with the right tools and equipment for the job. Our specially designed matrix system complements the clinical sequence we developed, as do the products we recommend using.
The actual composite materials employed are still really important. That’s why we have partnered with 3M Oral Care, a leading global provider of scientifically proven restorative products. In particular, we utilise Filtek Supreme XTE universal restorative from 3M in the body shade only to create monolith restorations and Filtek One bulk fill restorative from 3M for posterior cases, coupled with Scotchbond universal adhesive by 3M. The composites are a perfect consistency and they’re brilliant when heated, which makes them ideal with the Bioclear method.
Having 3M Oral Care on our side is a testament to what we have developed and has enabled us to encourage dentists around the world to think differently about their composite dentistry. It is a well-known and highly respected brand in the industry and it’s incredibly powerful to have a company like 3M Oral Care help us spread our message.
The Bioclear ethos is a new approach to composite restorations, not just a new product. We provide the training and the tools that enable dentists to create stronger, more predictable and longer lasting restorations, with the help of materials from 3M Oral Care. We believe that this new method should become the gold standard in restorative dentistry around the world and we have several studies to support this. Ultimately, we enable dentists to achieve outstanding results in a wide range of restorative applications and in a minimally invasive way.
For further details about the Bioclear concept and products, visit
For more information about products from 3M Oral Care, call 0800 626 578 or visit
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