ADI launches new platform to support evidence-based implant dentistry
UncategorisedPosted by: Dental Design 2nd January 2021
The Association of Dental Implantology (ADI) remains dedicated to supporting professional education in the field of implant dentistry. It is always evolving as an organisation, developing the member benefits it offers and the way in which it supports the wider profession. Most recently, the ADI decided to do something a little different when updating the guidelines it had in place for certain clinical situations relating to dental implants.
This project was the brainchild of Professor Nikos Donos, Academic Representative on the ADI Committee. Professor Donos is also the Chair of Periodontology & Implant Dentistry, the Head of the Centre for Oral Clinical Research and the Lead for the Centre of Oral Immunobiology & Regenerative Medicine at the Institute of Dentistry, Barts & The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL).
Utilising his extensive expertise, Professor Donos proposed a new feature whereby professionals would be able to access the relevant evidence-based research needed to answer their clinical questions. He describes what the project was all about:
“There was a clear need to update the ADI clinical guidelines for peri-implant diseases given the number of international consensus conferences that have taken place in this topic in the past few years. The result of these meetings was the creation of a number of consensus statements and clinical guidelines, but they also identified research needs/directions that were important for future development in this topic.
“As the ADI already had guidelines regarding management of peri-implant diseases (which required an update), we believed this would be an appropriate topic to start with for this project. The ADI’s intention for this new feature is to further expand to other topics within the field of implant dentistry. We aim to bring together experts/clinical academics to review the different topics discussed at the international consensus conferences, and classify them according to clinically relevant questions.
“This new feature is not a typical guideline in that we extract the information and provide a list of instructions for clinicians. Instead, we have brought the information from recent consensus conferences together. We created different clinically-relevant questions within peri-implant diseases – for example, how do you treat peri-implant mucositis; can you predictably perform surgery in the presence of peri-implantitis? Then, in one platform, we collected all the titles of the most recent systematic reviews and consensus conference statements for each relevant question. An advantage of this feature is that a number of the titles listed are open access papers, which makes it easier for professionals to review.
“An important element was the team assembling this information. Based on the experience gathered over the years when attending many consensus conferences, I knew that we needed a team which included clinical academics at the forefront of research and clinicians who apply the clinical research outcomes to everyday practice and have experienced the development of implant dentistry over the years.”
This is just one way in which the ADI continues to support the UK dental profession, promoting and providing easy access to the science and evidence-based research that ensures the safety and effectiveness of implant dentistry procedures performed in practice.
“This project demonstrates to both the dental profession and the public that the ADI places emphasis on evidence-based information and the most up-to-date research outcomes.
“In addition, this platform is important in supporting dentists/dental team members working in the field of implant dentistry, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students who wish to have information in this topic.”
The next time you are looking for a consensus conference statement to develop your knowledge and skills in peri-implantitis, or to support your current protocols, the ADI will be here to help. The initial topics and questions have now gone live and we can expect new subjects to be added over the coming years as new science comes to light. Visit the platform at
For more information or to join the ADI, please visit
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