Celebrating science


  Posted by: Dental Design      2nd February 2021

In today’s world, nearly every aspect of our lives is supported by science. It offers a powerful and quantifiable way of understanding how, why and when certain things happen, as well as offering a foundation for much of the engineering and technology we rely on each day. American biochemist and author from the 1900s, Isaac Asimov, is quoted as saying “The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom”. He was likely referring to the fact that a thirst for knowledge does not automatically make one smarter or wiser – for that, understanding is required.

The modern definition of science supports this as: “the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence”. As such, it’s no wonder that we rely so heavily on scientific research to continuously improve our lives, keep us safe and make daily tasks more convenient. With British Science Week approaching (5-14th March 2021), we wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate the power of science.

Technology is king

Technology might not yet be taking over the world, but it is getting there! Many of us probably take a lot of the technology we use every day for granted because we are simply just so familiar with it. However, the science behind these innovations has advanced exponentially within a relatively short length of time – how many people do you know that have never heard of a cassette tape? Who have never used a telephone box or a pager? Who have never experienced the pain of dial-up internet?

Reflecting on new tech from the last 50 years alone, the 60s brought us the computer mouse (which has since been replaced by the touchpad in many instances), halogen lamps and portable calculators. The 70s introduced the great floppy disk, colour TV and the first internet connection, while the 80s were about the CD ROM, the first 3D video games and the first digital cellular phones. Items like DVDs and 2G mobile phones didn’t exist until the 90s and the staples of today like instant messaging, Wikipedia, social media and GPS weren’t invented until the 00s.[i] Only with the evolution of materials and concepts were any of these inventions possible, each the result of enhanced knowledge and understanding of how things work. It’s exciting – albeit a little scary – to consider what technology might be available in another 50 years’ time.

Supporting healthcare

Aside from technology and engineering, science has also developed our understanding of health and how to improve health-related quality of life. Clinical research into pain relief, medications and vaccines is just one example of how science has been used to help more and more people stay happy and healthy. Remaining focused on the last five decades years once again, we have witnessed the invention of vaccines for Measles (1963) and small pox (1977); the first kidney transplant (1960) and liver transplant (1963); the first “Test Tube” baby (1978); the first artificial heart (1982); the development of anti-viral for managing HIV (1996); and genome mapping (2003). The last 50 years have also brought CT, MRI and CBCT imaging machines to the healthcare sector, revolutionising the diagnosis and treatment planning procedure for millions of people. Such life-changing developments were the result of years of study, dedication and passion from various individuals and companies.

Within the dental arena, the same commitment to science has paved the way for broader treatment options, less invasive procedures, more predictable outcomes and increased success rates in everything from endodontics to implant dentistry to prevention. The dental team has long concentrated on only utilising evidence-based techniques and products in order to optimise clinical results and ensure that every patient’s experience is as positive as possible. This is why it is so important for professionals to remain abreast of the latest research and studies, which are often published to support existing processes or raise awareness about a potential change that could enhance treatment in specific situations. In addition, clinicians must always select products that offer complete confidence in their clinical relevance and scientific development, such as the Curasept ADS range of solutions from J&S Davis. They are backed by science that demonstrates unequivocally their effectiveness in reducing bacterial load and plaque formation, with the latest addition to the ADS Mouthwash range – Curasept ADS Mouthwash 5020 0.20% CHX Professional, in a 5-litre option to optimise economics at the same time.

Stick with science

We may not think about it often, but nearly everything we do, see and use in today’s world is supported by at least some scientific research or development. Our endeavour to evolve and constantly improve our surroundings is becoming ever more reliant on the science available to us – if we stick with the science, the future could be very exciting!


For more information on the industry-leading products available from J&S Davis, visit www.js-davis.co.uk, call 01438 747 344 or email jsdsales@js-davis.co.uk


Author: Steve Brown Director of Sales and Marketing J&S Davis Ltd


[i] Norton M. How has technology changed over the past 50 years. Time Capsule. September 2017. https://www.timecapsule.com/time-capsule/technology-changed-past-50-years/ [Accessed December 2020]

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