Underappreciated and underpaid? Time to move on
Featured Products Promotional FeaturesPosted by: Dental Design 18th April 2021
It is a sad fact that many dental nurses still feel underappreciated and underpaid in their roles, despite a massive contribution to their practices and their patients.
If this is you, don’t stand for it any longer – join us at Colosseum Dental UK.
We care more about you. We care about showing how much we value your hard work and dedication, and we care about paying you fairly for it. We care so much that we created a dedicated “Year of the Dental Nurse”, during which we implemented pay rises, extended holiday entitlement for long-standing dental nurses and made it easier for more people to gain additional skills.
We are always looking for ways to improve, so the opinions and ideas of our dental nurses are very welcome at all times!
We care more about you which means we strive to ensure you always feel appreciated at Colosseum Dental UK.
For more information about Colosseum Dental, please visit www.colosseumdental.co.uk/careers
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