Patient education for early detection

Featured Products Promotional Features

  Posted by: Dental Design      16th April 2024

With more than 744,000 cases each year worldwide and less than a 50% five-year survival rate,[i] it’s crucial that clinicians raise awareness of oral cancer.

Discussing risk factors with patients and carrying out regular checks is essential for preventing oral cancer, and detecting it in its early stages. By becoming familiar with the early symptoms, and educating patients, dentists are more likely to pick up on the signs more quickly.

Plus, if a dentist does detect a lesion, the use of a pre-diagnostic test such as the BeVigilant™ OraFusion™ system from Vigilant Biosciences® can identify the presence of biomarkers associated with oral cancer, producing a result in 15 minutes or less. The result of this test can then be used to inform further examinations and referral to a specialist.

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